킹카운에서 2차로 제공하는 그랜트 신청하세요.


킹카운에서 2차로 제공하는 그랜트 신청하세요.

회장ㅣ케이전 0 6911

King County Small Business Grant – Round 2/King County 중소기업 보조금 – 2 

Application deadline 9/4/2020. 지원 마감일은 2020  9  4 일입니다.


Updated 8/21/2020. King County is offering businesses in the unincorporated areas, who have been hurt by COVID-19, a grant up to $5,000. Grants are for businesses in unincorporated King County only (meaning business address is in King County and outside any city or town).

Eligible businesses must have:

  • No more than 30 employees
  • Annual gross revenue of no more than $3 million
  • Been in business for at least one year
  • Costs related to COVID-19 that have not been covered or reimbursed through any other grant funding or program

Any business that applied during the first round and didn’t qualify under the Round 1 criteria — but would qualify under the updated criteria — will automatically be reconsidered for the grants without needing to reapply.

Apply online at www.kingcounty.gov/LocalBusinessHelp.

Link to sample application in English: https://kingcounty.gov/depts/local-services/programs/economic-development/~/media/depts/local-services/economic-development/grant-application-r2.ashx


If you need help filling out your application and/or need a language interpreter, call 206-331-3275. Leave a message with your contact information, language you speak, and ask for help filling out your grant application. A technical assistance coach will call you back within two business days with an interpreter on the line (if needed).


King County 중소기업 보조금 – 2 

King County COVID-19 피해를 입은 비자치구 지역에 있는 사업장에 최대 $ 5,000 보조금을 신청할  있도록 제공하고 있습니다보조금은 비자치구 King County 있는 사업체에만 해당됩니다 (사업장 주소가 King County내에 있고 다른 도시 또는 타운 외부에 있음).

적격 기업은 다음을 갖추어야 합니다.

• 직원 30  이하

• 연간  수익이 3 백만 달러 이하

• 적어도 1  동안 사업에 종사

• 다른 보조금 기금 또는 프로그램을 통해 보장되거나 상환되지 않은 COVID-19 관련 비용

1 보조금에 신청하고 1차의 자격 기준에 미치지 못했지만 업데이트된 자격 기준에 따라 자격이 있는 모든 비즈니스는 재신청할 필요없이 자동적으로 보조금에 대해 재검토됩니다.

www.kingcounty.gov/LocalBusinessHelp 에서 온라인으로 신청하십시오.

한인 상공 회의소에서 한국어 지원 가능


신청서 작성에 도움이 필요하거나 통역사가 필요한 경우 206-331-3275 전화하십시오연락처 정보사용하는 언어가 포함  메시지를 남기고 보조금 신청서 작성에 도움을 요청하십시오기술 지원 코치가 통역사와 함께 영업일 기준 2  이내에 전화를 드릴 것입니다 (필요한 경우).